Marie Immaqulate
2 min readOct 23, 2020


Anytime I want to write I feel like I’m FINALLY going to have a conversation with myself. Most of us feel things on the edge, we never intentionally engage ourselves in things that are happening to us unless we have to. It’s like we are in a calm bubble and we can see the chaos from inside and yet sooner or later the bubble will bust and we have to deal. So I take writing as a means to enable me engage my feelings, emotions, thoughts and ideas. I ask myself how I’m feeling, talk and reassure myself about the things life throws at me. Most of all during these write ups, I remind myself to be grateful always. My life is not that good and I am not where I feel I should be but it could be a lot worse you know…So I thank God that I sleep and wake up okay, that I can still feel the sun rays on my face, that I’ve got somewhere to go to in the morning, that I eat and breathe fine and I have people here and there that I can talk to from time to time. It’s the little things that make up my day that I am most grateful for. So mostly this article is about being aware of the things you have despite the sadness and disappointment you may feel from the things you yearn for. The grass could be greener on the other side or it could be a whole out desert out there. This is in no way to encourage laziness and complacency. You got to work everyday towards the goals you have but never lose sight of the blessings you have while chasing skies.

